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Thoughts from ECCC and Fan Expo Van

Hey everyone, sorry it’s taken me a while to post this, but I finally recovered from the adrenaline drain from the last two comic cons. I’ve gotten back in rhythm, so it’s business as usual.

So where do I begin with ECCC and Fan Expo? First of all, I loved it.  I loved the energy of both events. I loved the people I met. I loved seeing the crazy cosplayers. I loved the all the activity happening around the table. Overall, I enjoyed every minute of my first con experience, and I’m hooked! Now let’s get into the details.Read More »Thoughts from ECCC and Fan Expo Van

Super Pandas

Leading up to Emerald City Comicon, I decided to do another series of pandas titled “Super Pandas.”  I tried to pick the most popular superheroes I could think of, but there were still a lot that I left out.  Maybe I’ll revisit them one day, but for now, let’s start with the X-Men, or should I say, X-Pandas!


Then there’s DC Comics’ Justice League (it depends though if you think Cyborg belongs here or not).


How can we forget Marvel’s Avengers!


And let’s have a couple more bonus characters: Deadman, Daredevil, Deadpool, Baymax, and Hiro Hamada!

Preorder Commissions still open and Fan Expo Vancouver Table Number!

ECCC Location

Hey everyone, I still have room for preorder commissions for Emerald City Comicon and Fan Expo Vancouver.  I probably won’t be able to finish that many by ECCC, but you can still sign up anyways since I’ll be doing commissions at the con.  If you’re visiting ECCC this weekend, please check me out at Table JJ-03 on the 6th floor.  Check the map above for my table position.

Fan Expo is almost a week away for all you Canadiens!  I just received my table placement.  I will be at Table A35, check below for the map.  come by and say hi!

Fan Expo Vancouver Location

In the meantime, here are a few preorder commissions I got to complete for ECCC.  Can’t believe the weekend is almost here!

ECCC + VanFanExpo! 2015 Pre-order commissions slots open!

[UPDATE: Digital preorders are no longer open for ECCC and Fan Expo Vancouver.  I do accept digital commissions, but those will be completed and shipped after Easter weekend (4/3-4/5).]

Howdy! I have a big announcement to make! I will have a table in the artist’s alley at Emerald City Comicon this year!  My table will be JJ-03 on the 6th floor under “Punching Pandas.” It was a last minute addition that I wasn’t expecting to open up, but now that I’m on the list it’s time to get bizzay! I will also be featuring at the FanExpo Vancouver [UPDATE: at table A35] the following weekend April 3-5.  I’m busy trying to get things together and am really excited to show my work in these cons.

I will be opening up pre-order commission slots for digital prints and BW ink originals to pick up at both conventions. I will be doing commissions at the conventions, but these pre-orders will allow me to spend a little more time on your piece without being interrupted with the needs of the booth as well as relieve you from having to stand in another line. Slots are limited for now, but if I feel like I have the bandwidth to do more, I’ll take on more commissions. I’m open to doing commissions outside of the conventions, but pre-orders for the conventions will have first priority.

Commission Guidelines

Commissions will be single full-body characters with a minimal background depending on the commission.  I might make an exception if I feel like the additional characters are simple enough to add in (e.g. a parrot on a pirate’s shoulder).  Some general guidelines for the subjects:

What I won’t draw:

  • Sexual activity or lewd content. There’s kids who look at my stuff, man!
  • Explicit nudity and gore. I’m not averse to either, but only if it’s done in a tasteful and humorous way.
  • Crazy complex designs or compositions like a pile of nails or intricate mech designs. If you want a picture of a pile of nails, take a photo.
  • Caricatures, realistic likenesses, or hyper-realism.
  • The price of the commissions are subject to change depending on the complexity of the character.
  • Commission requests will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • I reserve the right to refuse a commission if I am not comfortable with the subject or if I find it too complicated.

What I will draw:

  • Animals, people, some celebrities
  • Fan art, original art, video game art, all kinds of art! 😀
  • Overall, I want to have a good time drawing something so that you will enjoy seeing on your wall. I’m just here to have a good time and try my best!

Submission Guidelines

To add your name to the list, please email me at nolen.lee [AAATTT] gmail duh-duh-dot com. Please include:

  • ECCC Commission” or “VanFanExpo Commission” in your subject header so I know which convention I need to bring the pieces to.
  • Indicate which days you plan on attending each convention so I know when to have them ready and when to bring them.
  • Clear reference photos of the character (send pictures, not links). I see you spammers… -_-
  • Specific notes for the piece including the personality, attitude, and anything you might find relevant to the character. The better you can explain your concept, the easier and quicker I can get the piece completed.
  • Indicate if you would like to have a digital print (see below for deadline), BW painting, or pencil sketch. [UPDATE: Digital preorder commission slots no longer offered for either comicon, but I do receive commissions outside of the comicons. Please email me at the address above if you are interested in a commission.]

Once I receive your email, I will confirm within 24 hours with your position on the list.  If I accept your commission request, I’ll send you my PayPal information; I’ll begin work once I’ve received payment.


  • [UPDATE: Digital print commission slots no longer offered for Emerald City.  Fan Expo requests are still open] 11×17 Digital color print – starting at $80 USD, additional characters – starting at $20 USD
    • Printed with archival inks
    • Lexjet Premium Matte paper
  • [UPDATED] 9×12 BW ink original with wash – starting at $40 USD, additional characters – starting at $15 USD
    •  Watercolor paper, 300 g/m², cold-pressed
    • Will add minimal color upon request
  • [UPDATED] 5×8 BW ink original with wash – starting at $25, additional characters – starting at $10
    • [UPDATED] Watercolor paper, 300 g/m², cold-pressed
    • Will add minimal color upon request
    • Include matting for $5


Due to my limited time leading up to both shows, I will stop receiving pre-order requests for digital prints to give myself ample time to complete the artwork and send them to the printer.  For ECCC, please submit your commission request no later than March 9, 2015.  For Fan Expo Vancouver, please submit your commission request no later than March 16, 2015. I will try to get to as many of these commissions as I possibly can, if I’m unable to complete your commission in time, I will ship the image to your location.

[UPDATE: I won’t be receiving anymore digital preorder commissions for VanExpo but I will be doing ink drawing commissions leading up to Fan Expo as well as commissions during the cons. If you’re interested in commissions outside of the cons, please contact me at the email address listed above.]

Looking forward to seeing you all at these year’s cons! It’s gonna be a blast!



Piggy Panda comission

I recently finished a commission for a client who wanted to include a pig as a companion for one of my pandas.  The three ink drawings revolved around their interests and quirks, namely the wife’s profession as a pediatrician, and the husband’s interest in Reddit.  The last drawing relates to a Hawaii vacation which the client and his wife are probably on right now.  Anyways, hope that’s enough to explain the drawings, but enjoy them anyways.

The rough concepts that I presented to the client.
The rough concepts that I presented to the client.

Illo Advent 2014

Hey everyone, I’m catching up with my posts since a lot has happened over the holidays.  Sometime in November, I caught wind of an art thread on Twitter called #illo_advent where artists can create a drawing for each day leading up to Advent.  At first, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to commit enough time to finishing 25 drawings, but two weeks later, I decided to give it a go.

Of course, being two weeks behind schedule was quite a challenge.  But after forgoing some sleep and downing a lot of holiday cheer, I managed to finish the series in time to open presents on Christmas morning. I had a lot of fun, and at the end of the series, I had plenty of art to give away as Christmas gifts.  There was even an artist who made an ornament out of one of my drawings which I’ll show below.

So without further ado, I present to you the 25 drawings of #illo_advent.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them.  Cheers!

Artist, Ms. Taffy, or Molly Marmalade, decided to make an actual wool ornament based on the ornament pandas sketch.  I say she did a smashing job, wouldn’t you say?  I mean, LOOK at it!!! Go check out her other stuff, or follow her on Twitter.

New original art posted to store!

Hey everybody, I added another one of my original Inktober panda sketch to the store, Professor Panda! Check out my other prints to find something you like!


Inktober: Week 5

And that’s a wrap for my first Inktober!  It was a lot of fun, and I definitely learned a ton that I’ll be incorporating in my future work.  Here’s the process video for the Professor Panda, enjoy!

Inktober: Week 4

Here’s the process video for the Pondering Panda, enjoy!

Inktober: Week 2

Here’s the process video for the Pillaging Panda!

And here’s video for the Pachinko Pandas, enjoy!