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Inktober, Day 1

I’m really excited for Inktober this year. Last year was the first time I introduced these pandas, and I learned a lot about inking from that one month of drawing. I look back at those drawings, and it feels rewarding to see the progress that I’ve made ever since last year.

That said, let’s start this party off right! Day 1: Potty Panda!


War Pandas

Hey everyone, I’ll have a print of this ready for Rose City Comic Con this weekend (9/19-20). I’m also still taking pre-commissions for this weekend, sign up here.

Just a couple more days! Looking forward to seeing you all in Portland!

A Week in Toronto

I’m back from my week in Toronto for Fan Expo Canada 2015. What a week!

Overall Fan Expo Canada was a lot of fun, and I plan on signing up again. The parts I enjoyed the most was catching up with old friends, making new ones, and the conversations that I got to have friend friends and fans alike.

This was my first time at Fan Expo, and it was by far the biggest one that I’ve tabled at. Overall, things weren’t as stressful as I thought they’d be, and I actually felt pretty relaxed while I was there, much more so than the commute. After this weekend, I feel pretty good moving forward and applying to other large cons.

I got a good share of commissions, a couple of them were pretty wacky, but I had fun.  Seemed like the theme for Fan Expo was pandas and girls, but I enjoyed making each and every one of them. I mean, I get to draw a Hellboy and a Furiosa panda, how cool is that?



I also got to meet a lot of talented artists and see some of their work. Sorry if I missed anyone, there’s just so much talent out there! Thomas AuMaruti Bitamin, Kyle James Smith, Gabe Sapienza, Genevieve FT, Nneka Myers, Melvin Yuen, Amanda J. Martin, Lee Ann Dufour, Chris Uminga, Matthew Fletcher, Mike Brodie, Kalvin Kulz, Derek Ho, Kenny Whaa, Glen Specter, Nathan Alcee, Ian Herring, Brian Hoang, and Gillian Newland.


Now that I’m back in Seattle, I’m getting a little moment to breathe, but not for long! Rose City Comic Con is coming up fast, see you soon, Portland!



Super Pandas Poster!

Hey guys! Just made a new poster featuring all of my Super Pandas! I’m going to be bringing these with me to Fan Expo Canada and Rose City Comic Con. I’ll also have premium giclee prints on my shop.  Get ’em while they’re hot!

Super Panda Commissions

Just finished up a batch of commissions for my good friend Kevin.  He’s a big fan of the Super Pandas, so I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed making them. Cheers!

Super Mario Panda

Continuing the video game trend from last night. Original art and print available at my shop.


From last night’s Periscope Pandacast! Original art and print available at my shop.

Egg Tart Panda

Egg tart panda sketch from this morning’s Periscope Pandacast. The original sketch and print are available on the shop. I’m still adjusting my schedule for the Periscope broadcasts, probably limiting them to Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays, with some spontaneous broadcasts when I have the spare time. Man, now I’m hungry for egg tarts again…

Periscope Pandas

I found out about this new app called Periscope that lets you use your phone to broadcast video from anywhere. I’ve been using it to broadcast some of my morning sketches, and it has been a cool way for me to interact with my audience. Download it and check me out at my Twitter handle, @punchingpandas, to catch a little behind-the-scenes action!

The balloon panda above was the first drawing I finished in my last Pandacast. I also managed to finish an Ant-Panda riding Antony. Look forward to catching you at the next Pandacast!