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The Panda is Fat

Read Panda Haiku Books For Free

Hello, hoomans. Since panda working on third and final haiku book, hoomans can read haiku books for free.

Hoomans can read book on bus. Hoomans can read book for little hoomans. Hoomans can read book on the poopy. If hoomans want real book, hoomans can buy book from panda shop. Buying real book will also make hooman more handsome and smarter. Click on book overs below to read books and get handsomer and smarterer.

New Panda is Fat Animation

New “Panda is Fat” pandamation uploaded to YouTube. Check out video below for terrible art.

“The Panda is Fat” on YouTube

Panda is now sharing wisdom on YouTube. Hoomans can watch episodes of “The Panda is Fat” and get the insights so they can be as smart as panda.

Panda says hoomans should smash like and subscribe to panda’s YouTube channel, and ring that bell because that what other hooman YouTubers say. Which is weird.

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“The Panda is Fat” and ECCC

Panda has special announcement, panda will release new book, “The Panda is Fat and Other Panda Haikus” at ECCC, March 1-4. Panda will be selling book for hoomans visiting convention. The book is panda’s biggest book with over 90 panda pages with drawings and haikus. Panda will have hooman pet hooman Nolen update the shop because he too busy drawing panda’s book lazy. Below are some samples from the best book in the world.

Panda will also be at Table J4 in Artist Alley. Panda drew directions in map below, panda is so talented. My pet hooman will be chained to at the table to help you with all your panda needs. Come visit table and show some panda love, or else.

Panda out.