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What in the world?

Hello, hoomans, this is panda. Panda woke up from two-week nap and found world going nuts with some weird icky thing. Panda was going to be at Emerald City Comic Con and WonderCon this spring, but icky thing messed up plans. Panda still going to be at ECCC which was postponed to August 21-23, but panda had to bail on WonderCon.

In the meantime, panda is open for commissions. Also, panda have prints and originals available in panda shop. Please visit links to help offset the cancelled events and help panda buy more bamboo since all the grocery stores have too many hoomans in them.

Also, panda want to wish all hoomans stay safe healthy during these times. Panda need hoomans healthy so that hoomans can get free food for panda.

Panda out.