Sleepy Panda

This Pandamation and others are available at the GameStop marketplace.
This Pandamation and others are available at the GameStop marketplace.
Check out the rest of the collection on GameStop’s NFT Marketplace!
New “Panda is Fat” pandamation uploaded to YouTube. Check out video below for terrible art.
Panda is now sharing wisdom on YouTube. Hoomans can watch episodes of “The Panda is Fat” and get the insights so they can be as smart as panda.
Panda says hoomans should smash like and subscribe to panda’s YouTube channel, and ring that bell because that what other hooman YouTubers say. Which is weird.
I made another gif featuring my Panda Courier character and her punching panda pal. Open the blog post to view the animated gif!Read More »More Pandamation!
Lately, I’ve been making daily panda drawings as a way to warm up before my real work. If you’re interested in a print, please email me at Enjoy!
Here’s a little animation that I finished featuring the Punching Pandas! Enjoy!
Hey everyone!
I’ll be at Table 167 at the CTNx Animation Expo Nov 20-22 at the Burbank Convention Center. I’ll be there amongst a load of talent, and I’m looking forward to making new friends and learning a lot while I’m there. Really honored and humbled to be among so much talent, but it’ll be fun!
I’ll also be bringing something pretty cool with me to the show which I’ll be announcing in the next few days. Stay tuned!